Saturday, January 17, 2009

Movie Night

We just got back from seeing the new movie "Mall Cop" starring Kevin James. Loved it! It had a little of everything; action, comedy, romance..but no trash. How refreshing! I think Kevin James is hilarious.

My daughter is at Lake James Christian Assembly this weekend for the Sr.High Retreat. I pray she's having a great time. Kids are so fortunate these days to have so many awesome opportunities to grow and learn spiritually. When I was growing up, I had Youth Group once a week. My youth leader was a volunteer member of our church. There were about 8 or 10 of us. On a good night. We didn't go on mission trips. We didn't have big conventions. We didn't have a winter retreat. But we had area-wide youth rallies about every six months. And sometimes my youth group got to go. Otherwise, it was just youth group at 6:00 before Sunday night church. No snacks. No videos. No small groups. Just a lesson from the Bible, some time praying to God, and a few minutes to just hang out with each other. And I loved it. My kids don't know how good they have it. I wonder what Youth Group will be like for their kids? And if they will appreciate it?

1 comment:

KB said...

Ah, yes, youth group. "Blessed are the pacemakers."